Design is the most critical stage in creating your safe working environment and our experienced team of in-house designers provide advice, designs and quotations for a wide range of electrical (and multi-utility) infrastructure projects, including:
Our accredited badge for installation works also means we can cover any pre-works the developer requires, such as duct installation and assistance with cable routing. The DNO/IDNO (Distribution Network Operator/Independent Distribution Network Operators) boundary is changing and our complete service means we can add value to the development.
Consisting largely of Chartered Electrical Engineers from the electricity distribution and transmission industry, our approved designers can assist you with advice at the earliest design stages right through to completion.
We are experienced in creating fit for purpose designs to ensure you get the most economical and efficient use of your network, even if you need to operate within space constrained buildings.
All of our designs are positioned to directly assist Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) under the current Construction, Design and Management (CDM) Regulations. We’ll also design out hazards to what is reasonably practicable and develop management plans for the risks which may remain.